
James Editor Brinson image with face and ocean in the background.


"I am a New Orleans native, born and raised, and have been creative since childhood.  In early adulthood I began to travel to different places around North America, including Canada, in a quest to discover a deeper purpose to life.  My later travels extended to Australia, India, and Columbia which led to encountering various traditions, communities, and schools of thought.  The journey eventually brought me back to New Orleans, where I discovered and was able to experience a strong culture of meditation and deeper spirituality.  Those experiences led to the formation of the NOLA Meditation Group.  They also inspired the book, Graceful Reflection: the Book of I Am; a collection of insights, affirmations, and photographs taken in Louisiana.  

My middle name is actually Editor.  When I was younger it was a basis for teasing, yet as I've matured it has become more of an omen.  I am thankful to be given that name, gift, and purpose.   

I create and express in different forms.  My connection to Spirit is most important.  I enjoy the potency of creativity.  I find it fascinating how lyrics to a song can be recalled from the subconscious years beyond hearing the song. My intention is to create a similar impression in society and consciousness.  I plan to continue to create, express, and share in a multitude of ways.  My prayer is that the book(s), clothing, pictures, meditations, and other forms of creativity gifts to you what I receive from them and more.  Thank you for being here and connecting on the Journey."